Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Oregon Landlord Compensation Fund FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Multifamily NW posed these additional common questions to Oregon Housing & Community Services and received the following answers:

Q. Total Rent Debt Calculation - I understand that tenants who’ve vacated will not generate funding for the landlord,  but can those former tenants be included in the “Total Rent Debt” calculations for the months they were tenants, for the purpose of awarding points to the application?  For larger properties, this is a material consideration. Where tenants have moved out with huge balances in previous months, those landlords could have significantly improved their chances of obtaining assistance for their remaining tenants.

A. Yes, we will include former tenants in the scoring for the total rent debt

Q. Building Wide Noticing
- Could you clarify if this program requires any building-wide noticing, or is the landlord in compliance by providing Declaration of Financial Hardships only to tenants in arrears. 

A. This building notice can JUST go to tenants in arrears! 

Q. Data Privacy - Questions about data privacy, particularly for tenants currently paying, are still looming large.

A. We are not requesting household name, email, or phone for tenants that are not in arrears – meaning, we would just be needing to see the unit number and the rent owed / rent paid.  We are working on an update to our rent roll sheet to better reflect this and include instructions on what to include in those fields in this case. 

Note, in examining the Landlord Compensation Fund information, Multifamily NW noted that there is a chart summarizing the point system associated with the weighting factors for Rent Debt and # of units. Multifamily NW noted that "Larger buildings with 10-15% uncollected rents have very low points awarded to them."

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